An elevated approach, using a best-in-class manufacturing process.
Century Racing Cars have participated in 7 Dakar Rally events between 2012 to 2023, including 5 cars in Dakar 2021 with an 80% finish rate, and 10 cars in Dakar 2022 with 100% finish rate and 10 Cars in 2023.
Century Racing has competed in top global events, such as Silk Way Rally (with a 1st place overall) and various FIA International Events.

Introducing the all-new CR-7
T1+ 4wd. It may look like a strange equation to some but all rally raid racers know what prestige this new class carries. Century Racing started from a clean sheet on this project and is focusing on a solid foundation that best suits the rules of this new 4wd class with 37” Tyres and 350mm wheel travel. The only thing in common to the CR6-T will be the Audi twin turbo 2.9l engine and
ancillaries, with a package that has been well tested on the CR6-T beforehand. (available for sale soon once successful prototype testing is complete)